Sunday, August 03, 2008

Day 7- An Amazing day!!

1/2 clinic today, followed by clean up. I'm glad i brought a few packs of those HUGE ziplock bags that hold like 25 gallons of stuff, because those were the bags the medicine was put in that we left down there.
I got two more letters from home today... it took everything I had not to cry!!! I miss my family so much!!!
So, Amazing things happened today.

I was so tired at clinic today. I could barely keep my eyes open, and i was yawning every minute or two. I was supposed to sing this mornign for clinic.. and i can't sing if i keep yawning liek this!! i have no energy and i haven't warmed up my voice at all so it's probably not goign to sound too good. I had breakfast {two plantain patties, w/ham and cheese. like a mcdonalds meal thing.} and two cups of coffee. Then I prayed, that God could open my mouth and sing for me, since i couldn't do it by myself, and that the songs would really touch the hearts of the people and affect them and their life.
It was the coolest experience!!! It felt as if i was outside of myself... as in, i wasn't really controlling what was doing, i was just standing there as it was happening. it felt like someone had opened my mouth for me, and then i started singing. It wasn't really me singing, though. it was my voice, but i wasn't the one singing. {aka, god was singign for me, or through me. so cool!!!} Let me tell you, i woke up very fast! and my voice has NEVER sounded so sweet!!! Beyond that, the rest of the service was FLAWLESS!!! Everyone was worshiping fullheartedly. God is Amazing, isn't He??

On a less important note, we got soda today!!! {last night, too, actually. forgot to write that in XD} Pastor Santiago {i htink thats who bought it for us} got us all soda to share. it was so nice!!! {and a good change from water!!}
Photobucket {santiago}
we saw a monkey today that was being walked on a leash. how.. interesting.

Oh!! today we tried raw sugarcane!! that was awesome!! i've enver even seen it before, so they had to teach me how to eat it. You don't chew it... you bite into it and suck the juice out. it's very sweet, but very tasty.
Only a few people at clinic today. not very many at all...
After sitting for 15 minutes with nothing to do, we decided to make baloon hats....
Photobucket {Jessica}
Photobucket {Jesse (s), Amanda, Angel, Laura, Ana}
Photobucket {Jesse Stretz}
Photobucket {Me and Jessica}
Photobucket {Chris}

The cheif of the town took us on a small tour of the village. we saw different houses, walked along the river, and had a generally good time.
Photobucket {Girl and the Cheifs baby}
Photobucket {Sugarcane}
Photobucket {He was fixing his boat. They let some water leak into the canoe so that it will float.}
Photobucket {a piece of land recently bought by the church}
Photobucket {Panamanian Turkey!!}

At the end of the tour is when the Cheifs wife painted us!!! it was soo cool!!! It's supposed to last about 4 weeks.

After dinner, Kathy, Chris, Marcus and I all went to the school bathroom. {it's slightly nicer than the outhouse}. While walking there it started raining. No problem, right??
Then, when we're almost there, it rained harder. we waited for marcus for a while {he was quite descriptive about how loud he was being :P} and the rain came down very, very hard. This would have been fine if I had thought to bring my poncho. {Unfortunately, I forgot it.} We walked all the way back to the campsite in the rain. {even the locals were laughing at us, as they were donned in jackets and ponchos :P} My backpack is soaked, my shirt is soaked, i'm generally just soaked. I decided that since i was wet anyway, i would rinse my hair in the rain to get it at least a little clean. Jessica {a person from the panamanian team} joked with me about it for a bit, and then dumped an entire bucket of rainwater on my head!!!! the only bad thing about that was that my camera was in my pocket... and it's now shorted out. AH! {i hope my dad doesn't get mad??}
Photobucket {Me n Kathy.... rain soaked}
Photobucket {Chris}
Photobucket {Me and Jerry}
Photobucket {Me and Leah}
Photobucket {Me and Kathy}

At least it didn't rain like this during most of our trip. it would have made clinic a little difficult. The team made the most of it, though. a good 6 team members {give or take a few} decided to play with the kids in the mud. they wrestled, played with a ball, etc. it was fun!! {we found out later that this mud playing was the cause of the stink eye epidemic.}

Photobucket {Chris playing with the Kids}
Photobucket {Kids playing in the mud}
Photobucket {Amanda}

service tonight went amazing!! I prayed again {before starting the dramas} and the lord really opened my heart to the people and dramas. Jesse {stretz} did amazing in worship todya, as did jerry. both were on beat and played really well. We all got really into the worship tonight!! It was a good ending to a good day. Tomarrow, it's off to yaviza...

Thats all for tonight. My last real shower was days ago... i hope i get another soon XPPhotobucket {Hasta everyone!!}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! what an awesome worship experience! and those were awesome pictures! great post! P.S. I know your fam missed you too! :) glad your home!