Monday, October 05, 2009

Day 13, 6-29 (this post is everywhere...)

Good morning! I slept so well last night. I had very pleasant dreams- although there was a small spat with the mosquito net. Breakfast was toast, pineapple, passion fruit juice, and watermelon. (the watermelon was nothing to talk about, I assure you.) Got my luggage all packed and ready to go… I took another shower before leaving for the pure sake of having a shower to shower in! Went to Bungoma and dropped off dirty clothes to Anna, and went shopping for food. A drunken dude kept trying to be our “personal tour guide” through the market. The men weren’t very amused… neither was Jan, actually, but I thought it was funny.
Oh- let me backtrack for a minute here. When we stopped to drop off clothes, we also dropped off Titus, who is now only a few more hours away from home and seeing his family! Now Jim is the one driving the van, so pray for us! Speaking of driving, let me just say that driving here is terrible! I thought vegas was bad! Here you drive on the left side of the road, not the right, and the driver’s seat is on the right side of the van, not the left. I might need to re-learn a few things for when I go back home. And did I mention that there is no real speed limit on these roads? And potholes EVERYWHERE? Oh my goodness.
Anyway, back to the present-
There is a sign in town that says Tasha. I want to get a picture of it (because of my sister,, whose name happens to be Tasha) but I keep forgetting to have my camera ready!
We ate at Shariff’s today (shah-reefs). Had Sombassas and Chapati! That’s pretty much the end of today. There were a lot of interesting pictures taken in the van (by those of us smart enough to bring digital cameras and not film ones- aka NOT I.) It was a great way to pass the time.
Dinner was… PB&J. Sleep was nicely welcomed. That’s all for today :)

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