Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Thank you for taking the time to read this. These last few months have held some of the best memories of my life. I’m sorry that it has taken me so long to publish my journal entries- it takes a little bit of time to go through the pages of doodles and random thoughts, and to put them together as a journal entry that can be easily understood. I’m glad that you have been able to read about my journey. Thank you for supporting me both financially and through prayer, I hope that you can see how your support has played such a huge part of this trip! Many lives were changed, and many hearts (including mine) are on fire for the Lord in ways that I never would have thought possible.
I am excited to say that I am going back to Kenya in June of 2010. I love this country, and would be honored to mission there a second time!
I would also like to upload a thankyou video, so you can see what has taken place on this trip. I will update the blog again when I can figure out how to put it on youtube.
Again, thank you so much! Asante Sana!

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