Thursday, July 24, 2008

Panama day 4: First Day, Union Choco!!!

Today was so awesome!!!

I got to make fun of Ugo all day with his use of the term "Inconceivable". It was quite entertaining for me ^.^
we had a pretty decent breakfast of Panamanian Hotdogs. (sausage with the Panamanian seasoning on them). we also had fried bread and more cups of amazing coffee!

We started the Medical Clinic today- we prayed over it, for wisdom and discernment for the team members. We also prayed over all of the different stations.

Photobucket {the medical clinic!!}

{Here is the order of the stations:}

1. waiting area- grab number!!
2. Trioge: basic info (blood pressure, temp., etc all written on the number card)
3. second waiting area to see the doctor
4. Doctor visit/prescription slip filled out
5. get prayed over
6. third waiting area to wait for prescription to be filled
7. Farmacia- get your prescription and off back home!!

{during the time the adults were going through the stations, we had another 'station' for the kids to go to. someone was always doing children's ministry to keep them occupied.}


Every team member got to try their hand at the various stations. {by the end of the trip, I learned i excelled in prescribing (station 4) and in prayer (station 5) the best!!}

I started out in Prayer. I worked with two pastors from the Panamanian team. One pastor (who I never found out the name of) spoke only Embera. The other (Pastor Tito) spoke english and Embera, and Maribel (a Pastor's wife) spoke only fluent spanish, but was slowly picking up on the english language enough to translate very basic ideas.
It was a lot of fun!!
I loved this station. It was through this station that I experienced many things I'd never experienced before... like the prayer. In America, only one person prays and everyone else listens. In Panama, everyone prays at the same time. It was a custom I adjusted to through this station, and I have to say that it is miraculous to witness first hand!!!
There are also a few stories I have to share of my moments in prayer.
Here's one:
There was a lady that I had already prayed for once. She was older, in her 40's or so, with her granddaughter in her arms (who was about 4.) She was waiting for her prescription. She watched me and the other 3 pray for other people. in between people coming in to our station, i would look around the room to see what everyone else was doing. I kept catching her eye, and every time I would, I would smile at her. It's amazing how I didn't even know her language- I only smiled! and she came up to me after about 10 minutes of this happening and asked me to annoying her and her daughter. It was the coolest thing!! God was totally there that moment and I never felt like such a tool before!!!
There were a few other minor stories that happened. One lady that came in was so old that she didn't even bother keeping track of her age anymore.
I also got to help do prescriptions today; I found out I'm really good at that station.

Fish was for lunch. I actually ate it. I was kind of shocked in myself... and it was decent for fish, considering i can't stand fish. I suppose it's just another step to making fish part of my diet.
Dinner was much better, chicken and spaghetti!!! (although, the spaghetti was rather... interesting. thick noodles and the spices were the same Panamanian seasoning in a soupier form.)

We had a fun night today- We cancelled the service for tonight since no one knew about it and the electricity went out. Instead, we played signs up in the hut. After a while we started hearing music, and as a group decided to go check it out. Turns out, the Panamanian group created makeshift drums and instruments and were singing really upbeat {wonderful for dancing!} worship music right underneath out hut!!! We decided to worship with them, and bring down the drum set, microphone, speaker, and other instruments. then the music really starts kickin'! it was now that we learned about Ugoman's amazing dancing skills, and we caught fireflys!!!! The whole team was dancing, having fun, and being silly. {the guy's especially!!} the Jesse would climb onto the other jesse's shoulders, and Ugo climbed onto Chris's shoulders. they danced that way!!! were were having so much fun that it wasn't until the end that we realized we had attracted quite a crowd!!! hopefully this will attract more people the following nights where we have a real worship service.

I have to say, the sky was also quite a sight!!! to compare it to anything, I have to say it looked the 'real life' equivalent of the sky in the movie Aladdin when they were flying on a magic carpet!! the clouds were swirly, the moon was big and bright, and the stars were numerous and sparkly!!!

On a not-as-happy note, I asked Kathy to pray for me today. There's this spiritual cloud that seems to be following me around... i'm really starting to feel like i'm the weakest link of the group, like i'm dragging everyone down instead of being pulled up by them. I know it's not true, but it keeps making it into my brain. After she prayed for me, I felt much better.

On an irritating note, my Crocs gave me blisters on the sides of my feet. hopefully those will clear up. Kathy has an extra pair though, which is cool.

Overall, it was a very full but wonderful day!!! {I especially liked the ending!!!}


{L2R: Kathy, Laura, Angel, Me, Amanda, Ana, Leah}


{L2R: Ugo, Jesse S., Chris, Jerry, Marcus, Jesse C.}

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