Monday, July 28, 2008

Panama Day 5: First FULL day clinic!

Today was amazing!!!

We had fish again... for breakfast. o.0 and i ate it... again.
we also had plantains. during our breakfast conversation, i found out that Jesse (stretz) is cuban, laura can sing Opera, and Ugo is trying to pull off being twenty two. {Other sources say he's 27}.

Clinic was really cool today. There was a woman that I got to pray for that really stuck out to me... she was in such spiritual bondage. It was like I could see her sitting in a box wrapped in chains... I really hope {and pray} that my prayers were effective...

I also got to work in the Pharmacy today. that was fun, but there are a lot of names and numbers involved. I was very thankful that more than one person was checking each prescription...

While on a break with the prayer team, I learned how to say 'pain' in Embera and in Spanish. In embera, it's 'pu-ah' and in Spanish it's 'Dolor'. I most likely wont' have to use these words {in these languages} again, but it was cool to be taught that. I also got to teach the words headache, stomach, pain, cough, itch, and other various words to the prayer team {so we knew what to pray over}. it was interesting but fun learning these new things, and teaching them!!! It was also while we were sharing these words {in different languages} that Pastor David came to talk to me. He told me that the Embera language is so old, that certain words like 'holy' and 'spirit' aren't even in the original language. Instead, they use the spanish words. I thought that was pretty interesting.

I also got to work Childrens ministry today. It was actually fun- I first let them make necklaces and bracelets with beads and strings and such. that was CRAZY!! I also let them play with a beach ball. they love those... so much that they popped it. Then, instead of using the rest of the childrens ministry supplies, I was able to have the kids copy me. that was incredibly fun!!
{touch your nose, touch your toes.. turn around, sit down, stand up, arms in the air, run in circles, sit down again, stand up, and fall asleep!!!} While doing this, i would point to somethings {say, my nose} and say ask them {in spanish} how to pronounce that thing {in spanish} and then i would tell them how to pronounce the same word in english. the kids are very smart... i found it interesting that in America, people teach kids how to count to ten in spanish. in panama, they teach the kids how to count to ten in english. It put a smile on my face, thats for sure!!!
After that we colored pictures {i even got to take some home with me!!} and i put stamps all over the kids.

There is one girl whose spanish name is pronounced similar to preedera, (spelled much differently) and i decided to call her Missy {short for mischievous, since she was just that!} I think she's about 10 or 12. In this village, that means she's almost an adult. {some people had kids as Young as 16!!}

The girls got to leave early today to Shower. The villagers collected rain water in huge buckets, so we got in our bathing suits and.. hit the bucket!! soap was flying everywhere... but it was so nice to be clean!! better yet, it was raining while we were 'showering'... a shower in the rain... how awesome!!!

Lunch was Hot dogs and plantains.... Dinner was Beef with Yucca. {yucca... and stringy potato??}

The service went very well tonight. We sang 'Abre Mis Ojos' {pastor Davids fave song!} and others as well. I think ugoman was trying very hard to not dance his heart out when the panamanian missionaries starting singing their spanish songs!!
We did the Pregnancy Skit {which got a lot of people laughing!} and touched a few hearts with the Hats skit and Blind skit {I got to cast the net on the blind skit} . God's presence was really apparent today. we all prayed at the end of the dramas and service... it was cool because a lot of the adults {who stayed outside the building, but watched all the same} were praying with us, along with the kids! a lot of prayer happened today, and a lot of prayer was answered.

I hope tomorrow is another good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats sounds amazing! really girl! I am just so proud of you! and showering in the rain sounds awesome! keep the posts coming... I dont check every day but almost! lol I'm living vicariously through you! lol