Sunday, August 03, 2008

DAy Six: going backwards!!

I've decided that i'm listing today's event out of order. Actually, i'm listing them backwards.

Most recent: Jesse strets has strong legs, as everyone found out by means of various 'leg war' matches with the boys.

Also found out that people don't like to talk during devotions, it's like someone glued their mouth shut. Jesse {s} did devotions tonight. I thought it was cool because his devotion was on the beginning lines of Psalm 139. He said that the verses really spoke to him, and that it was an added bonus that it said the psalm was written for the Director of Music {who was Jesse, this trip}. It personalized it for him. It was personalized for me because I did a bible study on the palsms of ascent, and I have referenced to psalm 139 before so it caught my attention.

Moving on...

I taught Missy and some other girl how to walts tonight. {after service ended, of course.}Ugo and Chris said that I was now officially a Brit because i taught them that.

I shared my Testimony tonight, but it was much harder to translate than I had originally thought, so I had to dumb it down a bit.

The sin bucket skit went very well tonight- i'm very proud of my realistic sounding sobs at the end ^.~ The kids laughed when Jesse {chriswell} brought out the fake knife. I didn't realize my fake potential death was so humorous. The only thing that I wish I could change with the Sin Bucket Skit was the beginning... I dropped the bucket!!! {for those who haven't seen this skit, the point is that once you touch it, whatever part of you that touches the bucket is STUCK to the bucket.} It was quite funny... it flew right out of my hands, hit the floor, bounced up and hit Jerry's Cymbal, and rolled toward teh edge of the stage. I think i took a total of two steps to scoop it back up again, but it definitely got peoples attention!!! {Jerry was oblivious to the bucket even contacting his cymbal. I don't know how he missed it!!}
Nothing went wrong in the dead man skit, which was nice because everything seemed to go wrong with worship. I was singing at the wrong times, the sound {speaker} was WAY off, Jesse forgot a few cords, I fumbled a few words {almost forgot a few more!} and I was completely confused as to who to listen to {jerry or jesse??} because they were both giving me directions on what to do/not to do and they contradicted each other entirely. Luckily, by the Grace of God, no one seemed to notice how terribly worship went.
Chris was amusing... he got overhappy with stamps!! Then he taught the kids how to put ink on their hand, smear it together, and rub it on my face/arms/etc. it was quite... annoying. Consequently, I now have red ink on my skin.
All of us {as in, jesse chriswell} kept asking about the war paint that the kids had on. {think henna... times 3. or, 33} we wanted to get painted too!!!! no answer on that yet.
Lets see, what else happened today??
Oh!!! I got to hold a baby chicken today!!! they are SO CUTE!!!!!! and fluffy!!!
Also got to see 2 more monkeys...


Dinner was good. we had Ribs w/ a side dish of some kind. Lunch was delicious... Beef stew!! yumm!! and rice!! Breakfast was Chicken and Fried bananas.

I'm not sure i shoudl actually write this... but I'm feeling like the black sheep of the group. I feel like i'm weighing down everyone and they're putting up with it.. it's like i don't really fit in. the guys hang out with laura and ana.. the adults kind of hang together a bit. I'm not really into either. angel sticks by me sometimes, but she also hangs out with her sister a lot, and the doctors hang together a lot too. {they have a project in all of this, so it's neccessary}. it's just a little hard, i think the enemy is just messing with my head. Maybe it's a lack of self confidence on my part, i don't know. I told Kathy about it, and she prayed for me. but maybe this is something God wants me to deal with on my own??? i don't know.
we'll see.
Clinic went well today. saw some interesting diseases....
I didn't do childrens ministry, but i prescribed for Doctor {STUDENT doctor} Chris. I guess I was helpful :) Saw a puppy today, too. it was so cute!!!
Helped with Trioge and found otu i'm horrible at it. Today was a pretty full blessed day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love how human you are! :) It's a great thing that God doesn't expect perfection out of us, if He's going to use us, huh!? I mean that would leave me out in the dust. Instead HE used us in our imperfections and blessed our work to glorify The Father! So I bet that your worship was Holy Spirit filled and On Fire! :) all the while you were tripping! XOXOXO get to the other posts tomorrow! Thanks for updating! lol Just thought how cool it would be to own a chicken, free eggs!