Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Day 9: Panama City

So much happened today!
We had to be on the bus at 5:00 am Panama time- that means 3 am Vegas time!
The team got everything ready and loaded up, and we were all pretty tired. When we got on the bus, I fell asleep!
Then, I woke up to someone next to me, and moving me over so they would have more room. (when everyone was on the bus, i had 2 seats to myself.) Some guy was sitting next to me, and talking to me in spanish. Still under the influential daze of sleep, I wondered if this person was even real, or if he was a figment of my imagination. as i looked at him, eyes half open, i thought he might have been an angel, like mary and joseph received angels. I looked at everyone else to see if I was the only person that could see this guy, and I wasn't. After realizing that this guy was no angel, and that he was in fact real, i decided that he must have been a worker on our trip with us, and probably was one of the guys that helped load the bus. (I figured that this was the only logical explanation for this strange guy considering he was even ON the bus. )
I told the nameless person that I was tired, and to leave me alone.
He STILL kept talking to me!

I found out that Angel told him to shut up and leave. (not very Christian like, but probably neccessary for safety.) Kathy was about to push jesse toward me to make the guy go away. the few other people on the bus who were awake realized that this stranger just randomely decided to board our bus, and he had no business doing so. Pastor David told him to get up and leave, and the guy just looked at him. Pastor David then switched to saying (in spanish) "leave or I call the Police!" which made the stranger get up and move rather quickly!
I have to say, i felt very protected- everyone that was awake watched this guy until we determined if he was allowed to be on the bus or not. they were looking out for me and my safety. It's a nice feeling to know that someone has your back! (for your reference, Jessica was the one who realized that this man wasn't a part of our team.) Jesse also reminded me, after we were already on the road, that I had no reason to worry because everyone had my back.

In greater news, we got to see the Panama Canal today!
It was pretty cool, to watch some of the ships go through the rising of the water. I had to buy a digital camera (since my other camera still wasn't working), and I bought some souvineer things. I took some pictures, too, want to see?

We also went shopping today. We went to two thrift shop places, and I got some cool gifts! (i collect spoons, so i got 2 of those.) I got some bracelets, and a few other little trinkets.

I also found out today that the hotel we're staying at is 4 stars! that's a lot different from what i've been accustomed to for the last 8 days!
When we arrived at our hotel, we divided our rooms up. the boys were one floor, expect for jerry who shared a room with his wife, and the girls were on the floor above the boys. Once again, i shared a room with laura and Hannah. This time I got the real bed and Ana got the spare, althought the spare from this hotel was considerably more comfortable. Actually, my room wasn't even ready until later that evening. we had to store our stuff in Jerry and Leah's room until after dinner!
Anyway, we were instructed by Jerry and Leah to put our stuff down in our room, unpack whatever is neccessary, and to come downstairs. we walked about a block, and into a huge mall! the food court was on the fourth floor, and everyone had their choice of food! of course, i had a serious craving for Pizza hut. :) we also got another hour and a half to browse the mall and shop around. I ended up getting a beautiful blue skirt and black and white top, along with accessories! (a lovely bracelet!)
When we got back to the hotel, a bunch of us went swimming in the pool. we met a new girl (who didn't stay for long, due to how late it was by now) that was from Columbia. she was pretty nice.
We played marco polo, and in the "kiddie pool" created a whirlpool that would let all of us float like the lazy river at wet and wild. After that, it was a shower, and off to bed! (a very comfortable bed!)

*Views from outside the hotel room.

*View of me in the hotel room.

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