Friday, August 07, 2009

Start of the Kenya Blog- a letter to my readers

To my readers:
Jambo sana everyone! If your reading this letter, it means you have probably heard about my recent journey to Kenya. I’m going to tell you all about my trip, start to finish, in this blog; but before I do, I want you to know: this trip to Kenya changed my life. If you weren’t aware, God called me to go to Kenya when I was a freshman in highschool. He told me to start getting ready for an adventure. I faced many adversities getting to kenya- many roadblocks set forth to prevent me from leaving- but with God by my side, every mountain crumbled.
I started out my trip a very different person than when I left. I won’t go into detail, but to be honest, I didn’t much like the person that I was when I left. However, I came back from Kenya a woman of renewed faith. I grew so much on this trip. God did something in me, CHANGED something in me, that has made me very different person than what I was, and I couldn’t be more greatful! The experiences of Kenya have changed my life, and it is for this reason that I claim Kenya as my other home.
This trip was an experience unlike any other. Many personal victories were won, many lives were saved, and many had their faith in God restored. To know how God has connected the lives of the people in Kenya to the people in America- I find it incredible! Mighty things were accomplished in Kenya, and in America. To see how so many people have grown in faith and in the Lord touches my heart in ways I cannot even begin to describe. I hope that as you read through my blog, that you will look beyond my words and experience how God worked in His people.
Asante Sana-
Heather Lynch

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