Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday, 7-10-09: Day 24: Protus' Plate!

Only 22 days left until I get to see my family again!!!!!!!!! I’m going to change into jeans, eat BBQ, and spend a solid 3 days with no one but my family! Oh how I long for the day!
This morning’s breakfast was a delicious toasted PB&j with ¾ a cup of coffee. I’m teaching tomorrow, So today I’ve done a lot of praying and reading of my bible. I’m still having trouble with my ankle- it’s very bruised. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more than 2 colors on my foot at the same time before. I took a picture of it, but I don’t know how it turned out. Walking on it is much better than yesterday, but it still hurts a lot so I’m glad that today isn’t a busy day. I’m thinking that my teaching tomorrow will be on having a heart of worship. I don’t know quite how I’m going to teach this subject (I’m pretty sure I’m drastically under qualified) but that’s the subject keeps tugging at me.
So, I was talking with Oscar today- nothing unusual. As we talk he tells me that I look so nice, that I’m “Very Beautiful”, then asked to look at the pictures of my family that I brought with me, and finally tries to finagle my e-mail address so he could “say hello to my family and ask them something”. This is all very out of the ordinary for Oscar, so I informed Mark and Jim so that they could keep a general eye out for me. You know, I never thought that I would have this problem while I was over here! The team was treated to a wonderful lunch of Beef, Chapatti, Chicken, and Rice. It was so good!
I got the privilege of being able to take a minute to watch the kids play at school. It’s been quite a treat! They took an old tire and were running it across the field. There were about 15 kids running after this tire; all of them were laughing and giggling! These kids really fill my heart with joy.
We get to go to town today after Jim is done preaching. I hope that we get to spend some time online today- that would be so awesome! I should title my facebook post “The Curious Adventures of a White Girl in Kenya”.
Anyway- we’re still waiting for Jim, so I’ll just write down some little stuff that’s gone on. I started reading the book that CA gave me to read on the plane (because of course, being defiant, I would read it in Kenya and not on the plane at all.) It’s interesting how the beginning of the book applies so much to me right now- and how if I HAD read it on the plane, the book wouldn’t have applied to me at all. I find it funny that God chooses to work with me this way.
After reading my book for a while, I was finally informed that we were able to go to town. I spent almost an hour online. I wrote about my crazy dream, e-mailed my family, and got a message from the pastor whose church I spoke at during the Kisi Crusade. In his terms- they have four new converts! I’m very excited for him.
We went to Coffee Garden for dinner tonight. I had my usual Samosa’s and coke. Protus wouldn’t let me sit next to him for dinner because LAST time I did; I kept messing with his plate! (I would take the straw wrapper and put it on his plate while he wasn’t looking. I did the same thing with Limes, bottle caps, silverware, napkins, and scrap pieces of other people’s food. It was hilarious.) This time he wanted me to specifically sit across from him, so that he could “keep an eye on me” and I wouldn’t be able to touch his plate. Oh, Protus- I should never be underestimated! Of course I took his actions as a challenge. I messed with his plate anyway. Again, I used straws, napkins, bottle caps, lime pieces- and again it was hysterical!
We left dinner and went to Shariff’s, which wasn’t much fun. We eventually made our way back home. It’s about 9:30 or 10, but I’m used to going to bed around 7:30-8:30.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh…. I almost forgot this fun fact of what happened today!
Webb stayed over (and stayed in Brad’s old tent). He went to take a shower this morning. The lock for the shower is on the outside of the door. First of all, webb started yelling at us from inside the shower that the water was cold. (he took a shower around 3… we boiled the water for showers at 6:30 AM.) Mark and Jim and I convinced him that the water would warm up in the two minutes, because the hot water was at the top of the water barrel. He stayed in for a while and eventually got used to the cold water, and started to sing. While he was singing, we locked him in the shower. He didn’t even notice that he was locked in until way after his shower was over and he tried to get out the door. “I think the door is stuck” he said. We told him to try a number of things to “unlock” the door, and he started asking us why the door was stuck. Then Jim told him I locked the door (which wasn’t true! I just came up with the idea- Mark was the one who actually locked it!) It was SO FUNNY!!!!! A very good memory for the day 

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