Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, 7-11-09 day 25

This is the morning that I finish my teaching for the Leadership Conference. Did I mention that the leadership conference is today? I woke up perplexed, downed some coffee, and after a few laborious hours I had a teaching ready to be taught!
I spent a lot of time in prayer, and sincerely asked God to just use me as a tool, and to make sure that His words were the ones being spoken- not mine. It turned out that I was the first to speak today, and was addressed to the group as “Servant of God” and “Doctor Heather”. Check, that’s the second time I’ve been called doctor in my life! Pretty good for someone with no interest in the medical field. The teaching was on having a heart of worship. I covered what the definition of worship is, what people let stand in the way of worship, knowing WHAT you’re worshiping (God or yourself?), and using all that you do to worship the Lord every day. Honestly, I screwed it up big time and I knew it. However, the Lord is ever faithful, and He made good on His promise to me that His words would come out of my mouth and not mine. That being said, a good majority of the group found the message truly inspirational. The Kenyans that I met today are a truly generous people, and tried to credit me for the message that was spoken today. I made sure that the credit was given where it was due, and assured everyone that it was God’s message today and not my own. I’m also grateful that Jim was around to make the points of the teaching clear to the group, because, as I said earlier, I screwed it up and fumbled all of the words.
Mark was next, and gave a wise teaching on Beginner’s Faith, and why we need forgiveness in our lives. I know the message that he taught was geared for people with new faith, but it was great to hear the message as someone with “old” faith. I like that I was reminded of what it’s like to have a beginning faith, and that I could re-learn the absolute beauty of God’s forgiveness.
Jan taught on being a mother, and how the first few years of a child’s life are a lot more spiritually important than most people will give credit for. (Basically, how Moses turned to God in his adulthood when he was only introduced to God during the first 3 years of his life, when he was with his mom.) Jan also taught about things concerning marriage. It doesn’t apply to me right now, but I took mental notes for down the road. Jim gave a sermon about the differences between sermons and teachings. That was a little harder to follow. All in all, it was a great leadership conference!
After the conference, we went to town! Webb was talking to me on the way to Bungoma and was absolutely astonished that I (a “young girl”), could possibly know how to drive a car, much less have my own car! His astonishment was quite amusing, and a great pick-me-up after botching up my teaching earlier. Not much happened in town, we just got to e-mail and facebook like we did yesterday. Lunch was the same as yesterday. We had goulash and exactly 3 pieces of chocolate for dinner tonight, afterwhich nothing extraordinary happened. I am excited that my ankle is feeling better today. It’s not in as many pretty colors anymore, which is kind of a bummer. Sitting around the Jiko gets boring after a while, so I’m off to bed.

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