Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Tuesday, 7-28-09 Day 42

God? I think there is a bad connection between heaven and earth right now. I have no idea what you are telling me to do here…
I woke up this morning and helped to tear down camp. I had PB&J, and then tea with Judith. I took pictures with everyone here while the “manly men” were loading up the back of the van.
I am going to miss it here so much! The goodbyes that I exchanged were not tearful, but definitely heartfelt. I can’t believe that this is the last time I will see this place for a long while. I am coming back next year, God willing.

Protus sat next to me on the drive to town. I was being a general nuisance- I kept poking him, undoing his watch, etc. It passed the time :)
We had lunch at the Imperial Hotel. Their chicken sandwich wasn’t bad but wasn’t too great either. It was nice to drive on a smooth road, and very nice to stay at the Sunset Hotel. After freshening up at the hotel, the team went shopping at the same outdoor shopping area that we took Brad and Sharon to. Protus helped me to barter with people so that I would get a good deal on the things I was getting. I got everything I needed! Protus and I got chatty with one of the shack owners while we were waiting for the gentleman of the group. He joked with the owner that he would sell me for 1,000 cows. (The owner immediately said “500”. Not gonna happen, buddy.)
We had a short drive back to our hotel. I took some time to re-pack my bags for the convenience of easier air travel. It was then that I realized that I had left my headlamp, razors, shampoo and conditioner all back at camp. I’m hoping that this won’t be that big of a deal! Jan let me borrow some of her shampoo. I guess I’ll just have to replace dad’s headlamp when I get home!

The team had a very leisurely dinner of rice, chicken, watermelon, and cooked carrots. I now have a serious desire for Kraft mac-n-cheese… maybe going home won’t be so bad afterall! Protus confessed to me after dinner that he was very upset about us all leaving. I recall Jim telling me earlier in the trip that this is the first time, in all of their mission to kimikungi, that they have had this many people in one group stay all 7 weeks. I guess Protus has been very attached to us! He asked me what the actual likeliness of my returning home was. I told him it was 90%, unless something drastic changed my plans. I fell asleep quickly, but am still torn between saying goodbye to Kenya and hello to home.

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