Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday 7-3-09; day 17

I woke up in a very mopey mood this morning. I’m really missing my family today. Had oatmeal for breakfast and spent most of my morning re-organizing the ladies’ tent with Jan. We went through everything- reorganizing our luggage, tents, and the children’s ministry bags! We also worked on getting a plan together for the upcoming crusades and how children’s ministry was going to work during them. (Our last crusade was very successful, if I haven’t already told you. The night we left, the locals held one last service, and I guess over 100 people gave their lives to Christ. Way to go Jesus!)
I wish I could have slept better last night. Simba, Shelly, and Jack (The dogs) were barking throughout the whole night. The chickens made their presence known at 3, 3, 5:30, 6, and so on until the whole compound was awake. Another church down the road started their preaching at some crazy hour in the morning, via microphone and large speakers. (I think that was around 4:30, because it was after the chickens crowed the first time but before they crowed the second time.) My only sanity last night was that I got Sharon’s blanket since she’s now gone, so last night I was pleasantly warm and not shivering!
We went to the office today. Jim wrote and finished a sermon, and I finished more bracelets. I was thankful for the sewing kit because I had to sew my black skirt together since it ripped. I got a chance to charge my Ipod, and walked to town with a few of the team members to get hot sauce and somosas (via coffee garden.) Found out upon our arrival to coffee garden that they were OUT of samosas already, so instead ended up eating the beef stew, chapatti, and some of Jan’s fries. We stopped at the internet café and I was VERY happy to get to e-mail my family! (like I said, I’ve missed them a lot today!) I wrote some stupid things on facebook that my mom was kind enough to change for me. Jim was kind enough to pick me up a film camera since disposable ones don’t seem to exist in Kenya. I’m glad because I now have something to take with me on safari!
We were stuck in the office for the rest of the day so the team decided to watch a few movies. The coolest one was “A Night With The King”, a story about Esther. I should mention that they made me attempt to figure out the DVD player and how it hooks up to the other million cables around the room because I was the “youngest one on the team” and should therefore know these things. I still needed Jim to come figure out how to hook up the DVD player to the very sensitive TV set.
Chicken noodle soup was for dinner, and my dessert was getting to call my family tonight! My heart was definitely warmed when I got to hear the voices of my whole family- Mom, Dad, Jake, and Tasha.
I hope that I sleep better tonight. Those chickens should be wary- I’ve already named one “Dinner” and have every intention of pelting the rest of them with rocks.

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