Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friday, 7-17-09 Day 31

BWANA SE FEWA I GOT SLEEP LAST NIGHT! WOOHOO! I had some toast for breakfast, and re-wrote my lesson. Jan and I were hanging out in our tent, and she told me that she had a dream last night that she was at the church, and some guy named David was smitten with me, and I liked that he liked me, and my dad didn’t like him at all. She told me that she then had a dream about her daughter finding a guy that loved her. Ah, I love the affect malaria pills have on our sleeping lives! We finished our coffee, finished getting ready, and took the “shortcut” to Nyangali, where we are holding the crusade. The shortcut was one of the many UNFORGETTABLE roads that are here in Kenya, but it saved us around 20 minutes of driving time. Jan was the first to talk today, or teach, rather. She repeated her earlier teaching about the importance of having God in a childs early years, and about marriage. I taught about Abraham and how he trusted God with his most precious possession- his only son. I related the story with how God’s love covers the people who trust in Him. It was cool to be able to teach with no inhibitions! The Lord blessed it, too! I was truly honored that the Lord spoke through me, and that the audience wanted me to keep teaching. After Jan and I were done teaching, we met up with a group of ladies to listen to the worship music. They tried teaching us their dance moves, and it was a lot of fun trying to learn! Oscar saw us, I guess, because he starting making fun of us and how we were dancing!
Lilyan thought that this was funny. She told me today that she loves me and considers me a great friend. She held my hand again, which is something very difficult to get used to! One of the ladies that was teaching me how to dance (and only speaks Bikusu) told me that she “wished she was still in her youth because we would be great friends”. It was so sweet! She also said that we would laugh all the time and would live together. It was a very nice compliment. It’s cool to watch the other dancers onstage during the worship services. They’re so upbeat, and for hours at a time! There is a drunk guy that keeps going up to the stage, dancing and singing. It’s pretty hysterical! Jan is teaching again, and doing a pretty good job. Jim taught next and was excellent! We had chapatti, beef stew, sweet bread, and chai tea for dinner. After dinner, we texted Mike, Protus, and Titus. They went to Kitale today while we were at the crusade. They were supposed to be back a while ago, but weren’t, so we kept texting them to find out where they went and to tell them that they needed to come back and pick us up. Jim asked them if they “enjoyed the ice cream that they must have stopped for in order to be so late”! We had a lot of fun with them- we purposely stressed them out and told them that we started to walk back in the dark. We didn’t, actually walk back)
While we were waiting, Jan and I hopped onto the stage and played with the kids. We took turns singing songs. The guards thought it was hysterical! On the way back home, Mark and Jim had to get out of the van to help guide Titus around all the potholes. We actually got stuck once on our way home! It was definitely an entertaining night! Our team spent some time around the Jiko before going to bed, and it was nice to see a sea of stars out tonight!

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