Monday, January 25, 2010

Saturday, 7-18-09 Day 32

AH! Sleep! I’m so glad I slept well last night! I had a banana for breakfast; it was nice to have something other than toast. I have a lot of praying to do today. I’m supposed to be teaching the teenagers today, and I have nothing. Yesterday’s thoughts are now here to pester me again, so I really don’t feel like I have anything to offer these people. I guess today’s lesson will just have to be spirit led.
Mike noticed today that I haven’t been life journaling with everyone. In honesty, I prefer to journal alone. I can be more personal that way, as opposed to sitting in a crowd full of people where I know I have to share my entry in the end. Also, Mike’s partly right about my lack of life journaling. I’ve been concentrating on studying my bible, and writing my lessons, so life journaling hasn’t been at the top of my to-do list.
We are all here, waiting. Hurry up and wait….. We’re waiting to go to Nyangali. One of the dancers hurd her ankle, so now it’s infected and swollen. I hope that it heals quickly. Dr. Mark is in his area of expertise again- He’s helping get her the right medication and care for her ankle to heal properly.
We are all finally in Nyangali. It turns out that the “teenagers” I’m teaching to aren’t teenagers at all! Teenagers over here are between the ages of 17 and 25. I’m glad Mike is going first. He gave a wonderful speech about what it means to be a Christian, and about living a life for God. I was next…
I asked all 28 people to tell me 3 things about themselves: their name, favorite food, and something else like their favorite color. It was a nice time to get to know one another, but then I had to start my lesson. I don’t even want to go into detail about how I was so lost, and how I failed. Mike brought up that we were low on time so I had to keep my message short. I ended up just summarizing the same things Mike said. Put another check in the failure box…
We had chicken, rice, and potatoes for lunch. After that, the team just hung around the crusade site. I’m happy to say that the utility knife that I brought with me helped fix our sound system! (Though, the men of the group weren’t happy that I was around OR that it was my knife to fix it. Apparently that’s not womens work around here.)
I had to stop drinking from my water bottle because there was this crazy lady that kept trying to drink from it, and I don’t know if she succeeded. This guy named Steven likes to hang around our team to help out. He kept hitting on me today and asking me to “bring him back a beautiful American wife” when I return. Mark thought this was hysterical, but let me stick by him for a while so that was nice. Oscar talked to me more today than I think he ever has! Mark, Titus, and I got to take over Protus’ video camera, too! That was so much fun! We filmed the different speeches, the dancing, the music, and ourselves being silly of course! The only hard part about using his camera is that you can’t hit the record button and expect it to keep recording. You have to hold down the record button for it to record, or it doesn’t work!
I got to watch Titus preach for the first time today, while we were at the crusade. He was convicting, funny, and truthful! He had a very pentacostal style of preaching, and it was astounding to watch! A lot of people were saved at the end of this crusade, and I was thrilled to have such an honor as to pray for these people!
We went to the coffee Garden for dinner, and I got my usual 2 samosas with chapatti. I also got a water, that way I would have a new water bottle that hasn’t been messed with by a crazy lady. From there, we went to the internet café, where we stayed until it closed. I didn’t bother telling my parents about my failing in the last few days. The last thing they need is to worry about me even more. I was glad to write to them and see pictures of my family, it made my day! After the internet café, we walked back to the office and put in a movie. 2 minutes into the movie, Titus shows up and we’re ready to go! Oh, Cot sweet Cot!

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