Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, 7-19-09 Day 33

I woke up this morning to find that my ankle is 90% healed! Yay! I’m also excited because I woke up at 8 today, which is sleeping in! The team had eggs and coffee for breakfast. We got ready to go. My laundry is still wet thanks to the rain, so I’m wearing one of Sharon’s shirts today. We went to Pastor David’s church for service this morning. Personally, I thought it was a joke. He seemed very much like a “showman” pastor. He was laying the praise on thick, had to be the loudest singer, loudest “amen”-er, and then started talking about “tapping into Mama Janice’s spirit”. It all just seemed off to me. The rest of the team thinks I’m being harsh. I probably am. I don’t always assume the goodness of people, and it is probably my downfall.
Anyway, he had a wonderful assistand pastor, who’s name is also David. He has a wife named Catherine and a son (who’s name I can’t seem to recall.) The congregation was lively, and all in all it was a decent service. We had lunch at Gertrude’s house, which is Enoch’s wife. They served Chapati, rice, chicken, and beef. Yum! After lunch, the team went to Shariff’s, then the office. That’s where we are now, as I’m writing this down!
Not much else happened today. Judith and I talked over chai. I went up on the rock to pray. We ate a dinner of Hot dogs, beans, cucumber, and pineapple. (The hotdogs left much to be desired.) I did all the steps of the dishes, because poor Jan has been stuck doing it the last 2 nights.
Oh, yes, something exciting did happen! Really late tonight, Protus and Judith’s cow had a calf! It was the cutest little thing! Not to mention, the first time I’ve seen a baby calf less than half an hour old!
Ah, and we’re finalizing our plans to go on Safari to Masai Mara!

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