Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wednesday, 7-15-09 Day 29

Good morning! I slept well last night, thanks to wonderful dreams about my family!
I was the first up again today. It’s becoming a trend, I think! I made the water for the coffee and set out all of the breakfast stuff. God treated me this morning with a beautiful sunrise! I got to enjoy it from the rock, while I finished my coffee and listened to some music. This is definitely a good start to the day! When I came down from the rock, there was STILL no one else awake! That’s just odd. So… I listed to more music, took my vitamin, and prayed for a while. When everyone else finally started to wake up, they reminded me that today was malaria pill day (Wednesday ya know!) which is good because I forgot!
Then my lovely day comes crashing down because for whatever reason, I threw up before I could even finish my toast. So… I don’t know if I caught a bug or what, because I feel fine! Dr. Mark tells me to wait a bit before taking my pill, so I can let my stomach settle.
Jan prayed for me, and is going to e-mail my mom for me so they have the new flight schedule. I guess now I have the whole day to write my next teaching!
Later today, I got to go to town and help Protus set up a facebook account! That was a lot of fun! I got an e-mail from my brother, which really made my day! I’m inexplicably in the mood for fight music…
On the way back to kimikungi, I get to listen to my fight music on the ipod. I went up on the rock to pray, and I really questioned why I am here in Africa. It seems like an odd question to have after being here for so long, but I was thinking about my different team mates and how much they have brought to the Kenyan’s and to the team. What am I? I haven’t been useful to anyone here, I just happen to be someone that the rest of the team finds relatively tolerable. I had a serious conversation with God today while I was sitting on this rock. Why did He plan for me to be on THIS particular trip, when I keep screwing things up? I don’t know exactly WHY God opened this door for me. I don’t know what I can do to make this trip better, either. After a few tears at these realizations, I decided to come down from the rock and spend some time with Judith. It was nice to relax over chai and spend time with her! I treasure Protus and Judith, and their home is starting to feel more and more like my home. That’s all that I have to share for this evening!

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