Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Saturday, 7-25-09 Day 39

Considering the rain, barking dogs, moo-ing calf’s, and the chickens; I slept very well last night! I was the first up again this morning, so I set up the breakfast things, boiled the water for coffee, and dried the chairs. I decided to have Hot Cocoa instead of coffee, and ate some buttered toast. I sewed up the tear in my skirt so that I could wear it after my shower today. (remind me to bring sturdier skirts next time!) I wore the slip that Judith had made for me. It fit perfectly! It was very beautiful. I decided to go show Judith right away, and she was very happy that it fit well! I have to say, it was hard to walk in- this particular slip doesn’t allow much room for a long stride when you walk. I guess I’m just too used to my jeans! Judith and I sat outside with our tea, this morning. I was given the tour of her outdoor kitchen!

I was informed that I’m teaching today. I’m glad that I have that teaching about Abraham already prepared- I’ll deliver that again. I won’t be teaching for a few hours, though, so I have time to kill. I sat up on the rock for a while. Senior and Zippy (Zipporah) were playing with a friend of theirs. (Mary, I think.) I have discovered that these shy girls love when I say Oriena (how are you in Bikusu) and Molamoo (I am fine, in bikusu). Anytime I said these words, they would burst into a fit of giggles! I taught them how to say Heather (it doesn’t seem difficult, but they don’t have the “th” sound in their language.) They pronounced it “Heda” most of the time, which was quite entertaining to listen to. It brought back memories of my mission to Panama- the kids there pronounced my name the same way! Senior, Zippy, and Mary sang their favorite Sunday school songs for me. They tried teaching me the words to some of them. My favorite one so far is: “I am happy today, so happy! In Jesus name, I am happy! He has taken away my sins (today) I am happy, so happy, today!”
I really enjoyed the rest of the day today! It was mainly spent spending time with the kids and with the families that were here in Kimikungi. I was sitting in the church while Job and some other people were setting up the stage for worship. A few kids were watching me (while I was writing this all down in my journal), so I took a few pieces of paper, asked them their names, and drew their names in word art. (it’s a habbit of mine to do such things.) They LOVED it! Pretty soon I had a crowd of people, all of which were wanting their names in word art. 3 kids were playing with my hair, and all some other kids started to sing while they were waiting. It was so much fun! Then Oscar came in and asked me to do his name, too, so he can put it on the wall! Since I had done one of these for Judith a couple weeks ago, I decided to do one for Protus as well. As I was drawing Protus’ name, the kids were still playing with my hair, but this time kept whispering the word “samba”. (Simba means lion in kiswahili.) I asked them if they thought I looked like a lion, and they all said yes…. So I asked them if they wanted me to REALLY look like a lion, then they all GIGGLED and said yes. As per their wish, I flipped my hair over, shook it out so it got very fluffy (and tangled), flipped it back again and roared really loud at them. They loved it! I scared at least 2 of them, the others were just surprised.
The nights events were very fun. The music was great tonight! The team had spaghetti for dinner; after which Mike, Mark and I sat around the Jiko talking about alcohol. (Mike’s been to Germany during Octoberfest.) it was quite a spectacular day, let me tell ya!

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